February 21, 2012

A perfect match

Today is the 21st of February.  That means exactly one year has passed since we were matched to adopt our amazing daughter, Jubilee.

This was one of the pictures we received a year ago.
 This is her today.
And this is her today.
And this is her with her boyfriend, Andrew, who's family was our inspiration to embark on this fantastic journey in the first place.  OK, so these two are not officially dating, but the wedding is being planned, none-the-less.
Jubilee Sue, our little doll, I shall phrase it the way your grandpa did while he pushed you on the swing.  He said, "I couldn't love this little girl more."  It is true, Jubi, we couldn't.

It is evident that G0D had his eye on you, and his hand on you, too, from the moment you first drew breath.  He was with you on the street corner when you - at just a week old - were otherwise alone in the world.  He was with you in the orphanage while you waited for love to come.  He is with you now, in our family, where you belong.

He will be with you for the rest of your days.

And I will be with you, for the rest of mine.
