For those of you who have never been to my hometown, the fee for picking a Tulip is around $100 (per Tulip). We are very protective of our Tulips. They are part of who we are as a Dutch-immigrant-founded-and-populated town on the southern swoop of Lake Michigan's east coast. Yes, we have a coast. Laugh until you see it, people. Daniel did.
Speaking of southern swoops, I am starting to notice my own "southern swoop," acquired over the past 8 years of living in the South and with Southerners. One might say that I am now a Tulip/Razorback hybrid, or a flower in pig's clothing, or pork on a stem, or some combination of the above.

I am proud of both heritages in our family. I am proud to be a Northerner who is sincere and simple, and I am proud to be a grafted-in Southerner who is honorable and kind. I grew up, oddly enough, listening to Hank Williams Jr. and Alabama, and now I can claim some stake in the lyrics of those songs, and so can my kids (excluding Hank Jr.'s smoking and drinking lyrics, of course). I will be even more proud next year when our family becomes tri-cultural (after the adoption of our daughter). What fun to break down the walls that divide people, while celebrating the beautiful things on either side of the wall.
I thought you might like another engagement picture. :)