June 20, 2013

The last convert

The day has come.  All six of us are believers!

It happened (like important moments often do) totally out of the blue.  We put down our breakfast forks on June 18, 2013, and bowed our heads while Brave prayed, all of his own accord and in his own words, and I quote:

"Jesus, I am a sinner.  Will you live inside me, please?"

We applauded, and then finished our breakfasts.  It has been a happy week in our home!  With Brave's name written in the book of life, we are sure to be a complete family someday in paradise. 

"How does it feel to have baked your last Book of Life cake?" Daniel asked.

"Oh, surely this is not my last," I said with a smile.  "I hope to be baking these precious cakes for generations of new believers; grandkids, neighbors, friends, you name it!"

Praise the L0RD and pass the dessert plates!