Bright has been learning to read and write, all on in own of course since I barely make it out of my bathrobe most days let alone have the energy to home educate my three year old. But his little brain is finding its way on its own, and it is really cute. The other day he was spelling words on the refrigerator - word's like "cat" and "chip," which I pretended to be excited about while I juggled my multiple-skillet dinner in the kitchen. Then he said, "Look mom, I spelled 'quiet time.'" I looked up and saw this. I had to grab the camera. 'Quiet time' is what we call his daily devotional time, which is him in his room spending time alone with Je*us, listening to the Adventures in Odyssey audio Bi@le. I wasn't at all surprised that he tried to spell this phrase, but I WAS surprised at his phonics. I guess he got tired of thinking about it toward the end, but I am proud as punch even still.