But then, isn't that why we are here? To stand on the highest place in the city and announce with great jubilation, "You are guilty no more! You can apologize to this guy (pointing at the cross) and be forgiven. Yahoo!" Though something of that exact nature would land me in jail, I can certainly announce the very same message with my actions - with my response to being ripped off. So this goes out to the guys/gals who took our very old and ready-to-be-replaced electric bike with the slipping breaks: I forgive you.
October 24, 2009
But then, isn't that why we are here? To stand on the highest place in the city and announce with great jubilation, "You are guilty no more! You can apologize to this guy (pointing at the cross) and be forgiven. Yahoo!" Though something of that exact nature would land me in jail, I can certainly announce the very same message with my actions - with my response to being ripped off. So this goes out to the guys/gals who took our very old and ready-to-be-replaced electric bike with the slipping breaks: I forgive you.