I haven't posted lately because every time I'm on the computer, I'm reading a
particular blog. My heart is consumed with lifting this family up to The Father. The story is, a little over a month ago, David and Jennifer Dierking were driving with their two-year-old son, Josiah, in the back seat. Jennifer was 32 week pregnant. They hit another car head-on at 50 mph. Josiah was unharmed in the back of the car. David and Jennifer broke their legs. The baby, who they named Kacyn, was taken ceserian that day, 8 weeks early. Other than being premature, he had suffered trauma and there was internal bleeding, including on the brain. At just over 4 pounds, Kacyn was the family's main concern. Then, Jennifer went into cardiac arrest and coded. She had to be resuscitated. What was this? It was bone marrow and other material that had leaked out of her broken femur at some point and were poisoning her body. Some of the toxins had made their way to her lungs and other organs. Suddenly Jennifer was fighting for her life, and she has been ever since (that was October 28). Kaycn is doing well now, which is a miraculous story all its own. But please lift up Jennifer, as she is not doing as well. The doctors say she may not recover from her current state: lying in bed, barely responding to stimuli, with possible brain damage from needing to be revived. The family is believing for a miracle, and their story is amazing. Follow it. Join it. Let's make sure these little boys don't lose their mommy without a REALLY BIG FIGHT from the rest of The Body.