-12 moves
-10 jobs
-9 cities
-5 states
-5 deer
-4 pregnancies
-3 kids
-3 countries
-2 languages
-1 border conflict
-and 1 turkey
Those are just the highlights. Looking back at our journey thus far, I am nearly astounded. It really doesn't feel like we've been through all of that. One thing I know and feel is that we have never sat on our hands, waiting on our lives to get started. There is just too precious little time for that.
This is a picture of Bright and Zion walking hand-in-hand last week at the zoo here in our city. When I look at these two blond heads, I am struck by how much I would have missed if I had made other choices along the way. There is no telling where I might be, if I were still here at all. I am forever grateful for this life I am living, and the victories it is marked with. Nothing good comes easily, I am well aware of that, but the good that comes is oh, so good, indeed.