A forerunner, according to Webster, is "an advance messenger." Think of the guy who ran from Marathon, Greece, to Athens, delivering the message of victory before dropping dead. That guy was, quite literally, a forerunner.
Our kids, if the words of the modern prophets are true, are a generation that will run out ahead, delivering the message of the coming of the Son. Much like John the B went ahead of Him, delivering the message that he was coming the first time, so our children will herald the news of his return. Our teacher quoted the text saying that our children will see visions and perform miracles. They will be filled with the HS such that we have only dreamed of. Then he warned that though our kids will be spiritual giants, they will still be kids and young people, in need of our guidance. They may be speaking about things that we don't understand, and worshipping and preaching in ways so new and radical that we might mistakenly reject them(if we're not careful), but they will still be young, and we must be prepared to shepherd them. Big responsibility for us, don't you think?
Here's a bit of perspective. Every night when we light the advent candles in our house, we ascribe a different aspect of light to each candle. When we strike the match to get things going, we say "In the beginning, J said, let there be light." So the other night, our 2-year-old, who conveniently bears the name Bright, said to us, "I made light." Daniel said, "No, son, J made light." Then Bright said, "When I grow up to be a man, I will make light like Jesus." Then after a pause he added, "Like John the B."
Whoa. Look out folks. Things are about to get interesting.