May 13, 2009

We're here!

Well, we actually arrived a week ago, but have not got the internet working yet. We are really loving the Juniper Tree. It's really nice and REALLY HOT. Though we run the AC in our room continually, somehow I sweat 9-10 gallons of water every day. Kayla's mom sent us the Swiss Family Robinson a few months ago and we loved it. We often talked about what it would be like to live in a tropical place with so many trees and animals. We don't talk about that much anymore.

Chiang Mai also has a Sizzler resturant - which I think is the equivalent of our Western Sizzler in Van Buren. It is AMAZING - today I had a hamburger and Kayla got some sort of chicken with sauce on it. The salad bar had some chocolate moose that Zion would have eaten his body weight in had we not cut him off and jumped in one of the truck-like taxis (Tsong Taos) to get home.

(I swiped both of these pics off the web, we'll post some of ours soon.)