This morning we woke up on day three of our team retreat, which was a great time of bonding with our team and casting the vision for the year. About midday we headed back home. Though we've only lived in our apartment for two weeks, it is definitely home. Bright ran through the door and went right to his train set, and I headed straight for the bathroom (a place we have all gotten very familiar with lately:)
The highlights of the last two weeks in country might be (just to name a few):
-the fried red beans, a specialty in our province
-trying cow stomach, which isn't bad, by the way
-sitting in a hot tub filled with fish that nibbled away at the dead skin on our bodies (the locals were fine, but we giggled uncontrollably)
-seeing the sky over the lake outside our city, and realizing that the sky looks the same everywhere
-wok popcorn!!!!!!!!!!!!
-learning how to say our address correctly for the first time
-finding green olives in a tiny import store
-meeting new friends
-knowing we are smack-dab in the middle of His will
The low lights might be (though we don't like to focus on them)
-32 consecutive travel hours with a 3-year-old and a 1-year-old
-ants in our bed at the hotel
-ant bites all over our sons' faces
-7.2 million people that want to touch our kids
-not knowing the language (yet!)
-our Internet being down for over a week
-missing our family and friends back in the states
Overall, He has been so faithful and we are doing remarkably well. We will try to blog frequently, so stay tuned. (Daniel took this picture at a park in our city)